Tuesday, January 26, 2021



I watch the sunny morning recede across 

the eastern ambit radius of my window.

I’m not sure what to make of him yet.

46 I mean. I mean, I can relate to him but

as good as it feels to have someone

normal again he’s still a career man.

He likely will not go far enough to 

change the change we need to change.

As the sun fades and the snow arrives

it covers the dirt and detritus 

along the roads and on the trails

making everything look and feel new.

Yet, underneath there will be

remains remain.




  1. I enjoyed your sonnet 46 last night on Zoom with Michael Czarnecki and read it again this morning. Thanks for sharing your poetry through this blog, especially important during time of pandemic. Teri

  2. Thank-you Teri! Your feedback is much appreciated. Do you have a similar venue through which you share your work? I would be interested it following it if you do. Mark
