Saturday, September 3, 2022

102: The wild poetic kingdom is no place for the faint of heart.

My poem didn’t get 

Picked for the big game.

There it sits on the sidelines

Kicking dirt and ringing hands

Knowing it’s true worth it moves on 

In search of a new anthology 

After mowing the others down 

With a semi automatic word gun

Peppering the audience with

Hollow point adverbs

And snub nosed infinitives

Emphatic fantastic ekphrases!

Ekphrastic spermatic poetics!

Take that! And that! And that!


Friday, September 2, 2022

101- Boomers:

We are winding down

Tooling the lane

Parking the car

Putting the cows in the barn

Walking the dog

Soaking the coals

Closing down the porch

Tidying things up

Switching off the front light

Calling it a day

Hitting the sack

Putting our heads down

and drifting off

“Good night my loves!”

