Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Sometimes I have to

stop asking for poems.

Sometimes I have to

tell someone’s story

other than my own.

Sometimes I have to 

say wait a minute 

you have the privilege

of bringing someone else

back to life

breathing their breath

thinking their thoughts

speaking their truths

sometimes I have to.

©️Mark W. Ó Brien


Saturday, April 16, 2022


Simon Peterson went for a walk in the sun

across the barnyard of change.

That rooster was pretty cocky this morning.

Chicken dinner was looking good!

His buddy Heyzoos had kept him and his friends

up all night speaking in paradox and paraphrase.

Simon tried to hit the snooze button twice but 

the third time that cock crowed he was cheesed.

Even with Heyzoos’ warning the night before 

he hadn’t expected Leghorn to foghorn.

When he did Heyzoos pointed right at Simon

in front of all the guys. “I told you so!” He said.


Simon looked Leghorn in the beak accusingly but 

that chicken just shrugged and denied it. Three times!

©️Mark W. Ó Brien


Friday, April 15, 2022


Elvis is the driver on our bus. 

He is good operatively.

He ferries us to and from Outpost Haros.

We wear headphones.

Listen to AC/DC at half speed on our Walkman’s.

Even our batteries are dying.

I use duct tape to hold the cassette in.

Elvis is impressed.

Offers me his lunch box but I say:

“No, I’ve already had my polk salad for today.”

Elvis gets all shook up. I tell him: 

“You ain’t nuthin’ but a Cerberus whining all the time.” 

He puts us out. Bill hails a cab and 

Elvis drives away as the bus shakes, rattles, rolls.

©️Mark W. Ó Brien


Thursday, April 14, 2022


It’s springtime

and there is the sound

of a ballgame being called 

on my front porch.

Cat on my lap. “Stee-rike!”

Dog at my feet. “Pop!”

“…that’s a single to right…”

“…the winning run is on base…”


“Five to Six to Three!”


“Raise The Jolly Roger!”

At the end of the day

all is right with my world.

©️Mark W. Ó Brien


Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Democracy Jones has gone off to 

warbling again.

I try not to let it affect my world.

Uncle Joe is my choice 

to defend the free verbs because

I only eat organic cheese heads now.

We always make sure to drink 

an eight ounce glass of 

wasabi with our supplements

on an empty flummox.

I have decided never to use the word

mmm-demic ever again

from now on its baklava

and this baklava is endless!

©️Mark W. Ó Brien


Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Gehenna is rocking

and I’m rolling over.

There is nowhere else to go

so I build up.

Falstaff, teeters on the brink

of warbling.

They accepted the poem

but reheated my bio he says.

This is not the second time for everything 

because iconography is his first language.

An adjective gets stuck in your throat 

you begin coughing up nouns.

Elvis stokes the crucible with words

It’s going to be a long night.

©️Mark W. Ó Brien


Friday, April 8, 2022


All of the wee folk of my youth

grew up to become the Angels of my now.

They no longer scare me and 

we speak lively when we’ve the chance.

Often, I listen to their council

and regret it sure when I don’t.

I kept them rather busy as a child

rescuing me from the fires of Gahanna.

Where as once we were mischievous and bold 

now they are my councilors and we are old.

“Remember that time…” I hear one say.

“Yes, and that other time…”

“How did we ever survive?!” I cheek.

In dreams, in dreams, in dreams…. They reply.

©️Mark W. Ó Brien
