Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Demographics for the future are all 

important. Focus, focus, focus. The 

Sun is out so I go out. And draw 

the energy in. Youth springs in 

November. Subsequent avalanches 

of the disagreeable transform into 

Death getting the same treatment as 

sex on the Advertising-love-goddess 

assembly-line because guilt makes a 

waterproof casket desirable to every 

grieving war bride. Oh well, you know 

it was in the ball park... Somebody’s 

ball park! Better put my hearing aid in...

So much for the honeymoon!


Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Today I am in blissful ignorance of the facts.

A self imposed bubble of my own truth.

Knowing I will have to fly into the window 

will not change the result. I don’t want to 

bleed from my brain. These past years 

have been concussion enough. 

Please Lord save my world from itself. 

Please God preserve something of the past 

for the future; some semblance of the 

compassion we all once knew. Just now

awakening I dream of my gravestone

the one I was carving out back the house 

thinking I could pause this I stopped.

Should today I begin again?



Tuesday, November 3, 2020



Give me liberty or give me 


It is pitch black

Make America hate again

You are likely to be eaten by a grue

These are not the end times

You can’t be a Christian

“I love Texas!”

If you don’t do things my way

This is the end of America

How was you experience?

Trust the experts

The first day of the rest of your life

And no cure there but to wait.
